Chris Clemens

Jan 22, 2018

Hyalophane from the Famous Franklin Mine, Franklin, New Jersey

Hyalophane is a barium rich variety of the feldspar mineral microcline that shows pink/magenta fluorescence under short wave UV. In this specimen, the hyalophane occurs with non-fluorescent andradite garnet (red/brown) and black franklinite. This rock was collected by the author during the 2017 Super Diggg at Franklin, New Jersey, and was found on the pile of material from the original Franklin Millsite. The size of this specimen is 54 x 46 x 32 mm, and it weighs 88 grams.

Hyalophane from the Franklin Millsite. Photographed under short wave UV (left) and visible light (right). Click on above images for a larger view.
