Barite and Calcite from the Minerva No. 1 Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Rare Fluorite from the Crystal Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Hardin County, Illinois
Fluorite Cleavage Octahedron from the Hill-Ledford Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Fluorite with Hydrocarbon Inclusions, Minerva No. 1 Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Barite, Celestine and Aragonite, Annabel Lee Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Blue Fluorescent Fluorite Cubes, Minerva No. 1 Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Multi-Wavelength Calcite and Fluorite from the Denton Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Fluorite, Calcite and Hydrozincite; Minerva No. 1 Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Strontianite from the Historic Cave-In-Rock Mining District
Calcite Crystals and Fluorite, w/ Multi-Wave Response - Illinois Fluorospar District
Unique Multi-Wave Calcite from Cave-In-Rock, IL
FMS Sponsored Collecting Trip to Minerva Mine, Cave in Rock IL - My Best Find from that Night: Fluor
Witherite, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Quartz, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Barite, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Fluorite from the Illinois-Kentucky Fluorspar District, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Calcite, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Wispy Hydrocarbon Inclusions in Fluorite from Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Fluorescent and Phosphorescent Calcite, Annabel Lee Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Fluorite with Hydrocarbon Inclusions, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois