Mark Cole, MinerShopMay 28, 2016Barytocalcite, Calcite, Witherite, Fluorite From the Rampgill Mine in Cumbria, England. Most of these are from old-time collections, not found today. Beautiful pastel colors - shortwave, midwave and natural shown. iso100, f11, 3 secs Baritocalcite, Witherite - SHORTWAVEBaritocalcite, Witherite - MIDWAVEBaritocalcite, Witherite - NATURALID Label
From the Rampgill Mine in Cumbria, England. Most of these are from old-time collections, not found today. Beautiful pastel colors - shortwave, midwave and natural shown. iso100, f11, 3 secs Baritocalcite, Witherite - SHORTWAVEBaritocalcite, Witherite - MIDWAVEBaritocalcite, Witherite - NATURALID Label