While it is far from being my most impressive and brightest fluorescent mineral specimen, I thought this one was worthy of being posted here since it comes from a locality that is never, or at least very rarely, heard of as a fluorescent minerals producing locale. It comes from the Mont Lyall agate mine in the highlands of the Gaspé peninsula in Quebec, Canada, in the Shickshock mountains (part of the Appalachians). Nice, but usually heavily fractured agates and geodes are collected in this "collect-for-fee" mine, which consists of a series of small trenches dug in clay resulting from the weathering of rhyolite, on the flank of an old volcano. Sometimes, the nodules/"thundereggs" have a hollow center coated with crystals of clear or smoky quartz, and more rarely, pale amethyst. In some cases, the cavity was later filled with calcite and/or iron oxides (limonite/goethite).
The agate bands on this specimen fluoresce a very weak green under shortwave, but the calcite fluoresces very bright red. Based on my visual observations, I'd say it fluoresces about 75-80% as bright as the brightest fluorescent calcites of the Franklin district in New-Jersey. Had this specimen not included this bright fluorescing calcite, I would have disregarded it as a decent fluorescent specimen since the response of the agate is very weak, but the combination of both the calcite center fill and the agate make it just good enough for a display.
Shown fluorescing under shortwave UV in the picture below, and in visible light in the last image.
Size: 12,2 cm X 10,5 cm X 7,4 cm

Shortwave UV fluorescence

Specimen in visible light.