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Fluorescent Minerals from Arizona, USA

Calcite, willemite and fluorite , from the Hull mine, Arizona
Nice cabinet-sized specimen of calcite (red fluorescence), willemite (green fluorescence) and fluorite (blue fluorescence), from the Hull...

Willemite and Sphalerite, Miller Canyon, Arizona
This lovely 2-color fluorescent specimen contains willemite and sphalerite, and is from the Nelly James Mine (also known as Miller...

Calcite, Willemite and Hydrozincite, Miller Canyon, Arizona
This beautiful 4-color rock is from the Nelly James Mine (also known as Miller Canyon), in southern Arizona. At its best under short...

Smithsonite, Glove Mine, Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Vivid pink and blue fluorescence is seen in this specimen of smithsonite from the Glove Mine in Santa Cruz County, Arizona. When viewed...

Smithsonite, Glove Mine, Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Vivid pink and blue fluorescence is seen in this specimen of smithsonite from the Glove Mine in Santa Cruz County, Arizona. When viewed...

Banded Fluorite and Calcite, Pure Potential Mine, La Paz County, Arizona
This banded fluorescent beauty is from the Pure Potential Mine in La Paz County, Arizona, and features alternating bands of red...

Zunyite - Big Bertha Mine, Arizona
Tiny (1mm) colorless to brown zunyite crystals in quartz matrix, fluorescing deep red in SW. Yellow-fluorescing microcrystals of what is...

Chalcedony - Burro Creek Agate Occurrence, Arizona
This material is variously called chalcedony, agate, or pastellite jasper. It comes from an area south of Burro Creek. Pale blue in white...

Zunyite, Big Bertha Mine, La Paz County, Arizona
Named after its type locality, the Zuni mine in San Juan County, Colorado, zunyite is an uncommon aluminum sorosilicate mineral that...

Calcite - Purple Passion Mine, Arizona
A piece of calcite from Purple Passion displaying SW violet and orange fluorescence. Lit by a 15w Glw Stck. Specimen is 78 x 42 x 38mm.
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