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What's this all about?

Nature's Rainbows is a non-commercial website dedicated to fluorescent minerals, maintained entirely by volunteer hobbyists and contributors. Our mission is to provide information about UV and luminescence, premium fluorescent mineral photos, with the focus on building a fluorescent mineral database for the enjoyment of FL mineral collectors around the world.

The main purpose is a gallery of some of the best photographs posted to the FMS Fluorescent Mineral Group (check out the feed from this FB group). We capture these great photos in a searchable archive to build a large database of fluorescent minerals from around the world, not have them lost after a few days in the giant thread on Facebook.  (A large number of the initial photos are from a database captured over several years, to provide a history of specimens from mines around the world.)


There are also sections on UV basics, photography, lights, links, and even a blog: Glow Notes.


Fluorescent Mineral Display courtesy Steve Hutchcraft


Several folks with excellent photography skills have contributed to Nature's Rainbows, building the great database of photos. Their efforts are greatly appreciated. View their postings by clicking on their "Contributor ID":


Doug Bank

Patrick Bigos (Midnight Minerals)

Stefano Buzzoni
Chris Clemens  (Ebay seller: cclem248_2008)

M Cole  (MinerShop)

Axel Emmermann

Axel Emmermann (MKA)

Axel Emmerman MKA

Axel Emmermann MKA

James Horste


John Rofrano 

David Sorrells

UV Studio
Michael Isaacson


Only direct contributors are listed (those who actively post); third-party names are not listed.


Some posters have trouble figuring out how to spell their name, or how they want it listed.  So they are shown a couple of times, a couple of different ways.


Take great photos?  Want to contribute?  Contact us!​




Articles, pictures, blog posts and other material on this web site may be used by others under a Creative Commons Attribution License:

You may copy, distribute, and display this copyrighted work - and derivative works based upon it.  Credit must be given to Nature's Rainbows (via a link), and also to the author where applicable.

What's with the name?


UVP published a book back in 1970 - "Nature's Hidden Rainbows".   I've collected since I was a kid, but this is the first book I remember reading.  Always liked the name.  But I didn't want to rip off the name entirely, so I shortened it - appropriately I think.  Fifty years ago these wonders were truly hidden.  Today our hobby has grown dramatically and they're not in the dark anymore (well, I guess they are, but they're shouting out color!)




Contributors - The Basics

Full instructions on how to join as a contributor, and how to add photos here (you'll need the password):

Password is “esperite” (no quotes)
Password is “esperite” (no quotes)


few rules:

  • Only high-quality images, no cell phone photos.  Blurred, over-exposed, and otherwise unintelligible photos not accepted.  We want this to be a very high-end collection.

  • Minimum picture size is 1600 pixels wide.

  • Locality information must be provided as well as mineral names

  • Write a few words about the specimen, where it was found, what's unique about it, etc.

  • Make sure at least the first photo of your group names the major mineral and wavelength

  • You may post one link to an external web site in small letters (para 2) and one email link if desired, on each photo.  Put at the end of the post. (You may wish to scramble the email address for spam protection - contact me for details.)

  • Tags - use capitalization.  Try to use existing tags.  Precede countries with a vertical bar "|".  Precede US states with |USA-AZ.  Precede regions with "@" - @Europe


Full instructions here. (Pwd = esperite)


Nature’s Rainbows is a non-commercial website for the hobby community.  It is maintained entirely by volunteer hobbyists and contributors.  Our mission is to provide information about UV and luminescence, premium fluorescent mineral photos, and a fluorescent mineral database for the enjoyment of FL mineral collectors around the world.  Information on this web site is covered under a Creative Commons License.

Feel free to contact us with comments and suggestions.

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