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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Aragonite (Var: Lead-bearing Aragonite) (Ca,Pb)CO3
Tarnowitzite, a lead bearing variety of aragonite. Some say that tarnowitzite is a mix of aragonite and cerussite. It fluoresces white under

Hyalite-Coated Chalcedony and Fluorite, SK Star Claim #2, Juab Co., Utah
This interesting and unique fluorescent specimen looks like something you'd expect to find in an underwater coral reef. Collected from...

Watermelon Calcite, Buffalo Gap Grasslands, South Dakota
This material is known as "watermelon calcite" or "watermelon rock" due to its colorful red and green fluorescent response under UV. This...

Selenite and Chalcedony, Hay Springs, Nebraska
This unusual fluorescent specimen consists of crystals of honey-brown selenite sandwiched between two layers of light grey chalcedony....

Red Trinitite, a Piece of Atomic History
Red trinitite is technically not a true mineral, because it was not formed through a geologic process. Rather, this brick-red colored...

Longwave (LW) UV lights, blacklight tubes vs. LEDs.
365nm UV light is often called "blacklight". Before the advent of LW LEDs, blacklight fluorescent tubes, (the kinds used in hippie days...

Green hauyne and photochromic sodalite, Koksha valley, Afghanistan
Specimens like this are mostly sold as green and purple sodalite, but most are massive pieces. This piece contains part of a crystal that...

Aragonite and calcite, Forrières, Liège, Belgium
Yellow fluorescent aragonite due to organic impurities and possible lattice defects. Red fluorescent calcite showing Mn2+ and Ce3+-OH...

Rhombohedral calcite group exhibiting organic fluorescence
Rhombohedral calcite group, Beez, Namur, Belgium. It exhibits the typical yellow-green fluorescence and afterglow (PeL image). At shorter...

Calcite on pyrite in septaria
Yellow calcite skalenohedra on a layer of irridiscent pyrite in septaria, Kontich, Atwerpen, Belgium. The white fluorescence (365 nm LED...

Calcite, two step actiavtion of Mn via Ce
Calcite skalenohedron, Beez, Namur, Belgium. This a special crystal. Instead of the usual organic yellow fluorescence, it shows an orange...

Scapolite. Colours can fool you
A typical scapolite (marialitic) from the Koksha Valley, Badakhshan, Afghanistan. In UV-A (365 nm LED) we see the typical S2- vibronic...

Plumbogummite ps. after Pyromorphite, Yangshuo Mine, China
This is a large specimen consisting of sky-blue plumbogummite (white light) psuedomorph that has replaced an intergrown cluster of...

Zektzerite and Others from Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan
This rock contains a beautiful assemblage of rare fluorescent minerals from the remote Dara-i-Pioz massif in Tajikistan. Only reactive...

Barite and Calcite from the Minerva No. 1 Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
This very delicate and aesthetic specimen is from the historic Minerva No. 1 Mine in the Illinois-Kentucky Fluorspar District of Southern...

UV Flashlights - Outlandish Claims of Power
I’m really getting tired of all the BS out there. Chinese vendors make outlandish claims about their flashlights and non-technical...

Rare Fluorite from the Crystal Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Hardin County, Illinois
The Crystal Mine, one of many fluorspar mines in the historic Cave-In-Rock mining district of Southern Illinois, is not a well-known...

Sphalerite, Ophir Hill Mine, Tooele County, Utah
Sawn slab of zinc ore consisting of sphalerite, galena, and other unidentified minerals, from the Ophir Hill Mine, Tooele County, Utah. ...

Phosgenite from Monteponi
Large grey-brown semi-transparent Phosgenite crystals emerge from the galena matrix. Sample of very low visual impact in daylight due to...

"Black Rose" Fluorite - Fluorescence will ultimately fade to a dim blue after long exposure to LW.
There have been several posts i our FB group lately about this fluorite listed on eBay as "Black Rose" from China sellers. Specific...
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