Shown here is a really gorgeous combination of polylithionite, leucophanite, serandite and others, on albite crystals. As usual, the polylithionite fluoresces yellow under shortwave; the leucophanite crystals also react to SW but are at their best under MW. They also fluoresce a weak purplish-pink under longwave. The albite fluoresces the typical dull red SW response of feldspar; and under MW, small dots of red fluorescing calcite show up (also reactive to SW but much weaker).
Overall, this specimen is at its best under SW and MW combined; it is also really aesthetic in visible light. Shown in the first picture is the response under midwave and shortwave combined; then, in the next pictures, SW, MW, and LW are shown, then lastly, the specimen is shown in visible light.
Nice cabinet specimen, measuring 7,7 cm X 6,3 cm X 5,2 cm (largest leucophanite crystal: 7 mm)


Shortwave response.

Midwave only - the leucophanite and calcite show a notable reaction to midwave.

Longwave UV response. Under longwave, only the leucophanite reacts, and glows pretty dimly. The purple seen here is indeed actual fluorescence and not mere lamp reflections - tested with a piece of polycarbonate between the UV lamp and the specimen.

Specimen shown in white light. Quite aesthetic display piece.