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Stevensite from Fort Lee, NJ, USA

Radiating crystals of brown stevensite. Under longwave UV light it shows some light brown fluorescence: not the typical bright, saturated fluorescence of other minerals, but clearly there.

Manuel Robbins in his book "Fluorescence. Gems and Minerals under Ultraviolet Light" report its fluorescence saying:

"Stevensite is fond in the trap rocks in the New Street quarry in Paterson, New Jersey, as an alteration of a previous mineral, probably pectolite. The fluorescence is white to yellow under short- and long-wave ultraviolet."

This piece is from Fort Lee, Bergen Co., New Jersey, a different, but close by, locality.

5.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm, 27.1 g.

Longwave fluorescence.

Normal light.


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