This vivid fluorescent specimen is from a classic midwestern location, the Sweetwater Mine, Ellington, Viburnum Trend District, Reynolds Co., Missouri. It features light tan/yellow, waxy textured, scalenohedral, calcite crystals on a matrix of intergrown galena, with minor sprays of brassy chalcopyrite. Under mid wave UV (302 nm), the calcite shows a beautiful bright pink/magenta fluorescent response, but is only dimly fluorescent under short and long wave UV (not shown). The size of this large specimen is 21.1 cm x 13.7 cm x 11.8 cm, and it weighs 4.02 Kg.
Full view of the specimen showing fluorescence under mid wave UV (302 nm). There is also a light coating of an unidentified mineral on the galena matrix that fluoresces pale blue/white, providing an aesthetic contrast to the more brightly fluorescent calcite.
Same specimen, shown under visible light.
Close-up view of the calcite scalenohedrons showing vivid pink-magenta fluorescence under mid wave UV (302 nm).
Close-up view of the calcite scalenohedrons show under visible light. Note the minor, brassy yellow/gold colored chalcopyrite crystals.
Another full view of the specimen, shown from a different angle. Taken under mid wave UV (302 nm).
Full view of specimen, shown under visible light.