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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Phosgenite from Monteponi
Large grey-brown semi-transparent Phosgenite crystals emerge from the galena matrix. Sample of very low visual impact in daylight due to...
Hydrozincite and Smithsonite from Zorzone, Italy
This is a small nice Italian Zorzone mine Hydrozincite and Smithsonite specimen. The Hydrozincite coverage and thickness is very high on...
Schalenblende, Raibl Mines, Tarvisio, Italy
Specimen of fluorescent schalenblende from the Raibl Mines, Cave del Predil, Tarvisio, Udine Province, Friulli Benezia Giulia, Italy,...
Multi-Wavelength Aragonite, Agrigento, Sicily, Italy
The sulfur mines of the Agrigento region of Sicily, Italy are notable for the production of well-formed clusters, plates and groupings of...
"Rainbow" assortment of longwave UV reactive minerals
As all experienced fluorescent minerals collectors know, shortwave UV is the wavelength under which there's the greatest variety of...
Calcites from Sardinia, Italy
Three red fluorescent calcities from Sardinia, Italy. - The first one is a very beautiful specimen in daylight too. Quartz and galena...
Calcite from Monteriggioni, Italy
On the typical yellow limestone matrix of this italian locality, there are several calcite cristals. Their color varies from white to...
Vesuvian Mix from Pompeii disaster
This mineral comes from Somma-Vesuvius Complex (Naples, Italy). It was found around 1960s in the pumice layers of the 79 DC Vesuvius ...
Calcite Aragonite from Boccheggiano, Tuscany (Italy)
(English version) The worldwide denomination aragostrontianite for this mineral is incorrect. This carbonate tipical of Bocchieggiano /...
Strontio-Aragonite, Boccheggiano Pyrite mine, Italy
This is fine 4" example of Strontio-Aragonite from the Boccheggiano pyrite mine in Italy. It shows a strong red/pink fluorescence in LW....
Small but pretty anglesite crystal
Anglesite from Monteponi, Sardinia, Italy. Weak yellowish fluorescence in SW-UV.
Celestite on aragonite
Blue-green celestine on aragonite. The celestine fluoresces a color that is hard to describe... somewhere between tan and grey. The...
The good Samariumitan's Aragonite
Samarium drives the fluorescence of this aragonite/calcite. It's more of a mix, phases of the carbonates, rather than any pure mineral....
Quartz owl
Concentric rings in spheres of acicular quartz. Photo under combined LW and MW-UV (both fluorescence photos) and under white light....
Anglesite from Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Province of Carbonia-Iglesias, Sardinia, Italy
Anglesite from Monteponi under natural light, LW (purple) and MW (greenish) UV Source: Axel Emmermann, MKA
Molybdosodalite, Naples Italy
An obscure specimen of Molybdosodalite (with vugs) from Naples Italy. The clear crystals appear to be NF and are just reflecting the glow...
La Sassa Radiating Quartz Nodules in Calcite - Italy
In the early 70’s a small deposit of bright yellow fluorescing quartz was discovered near the town of La Sassa, Tuscany, Italy. The...
Celestite and Sulfur from Sicily, Italy
Here's a specimen of Celestite crystals and sulfur on matrix from Sicily, Italy. A fairly bright specimen and does have a slight color...
Barite on Calcite - Italy
Old-time specimen from Sicily - simply amazing. Sadly I only have this SW picture. Currently in the collection of Earl V.
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