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Calcites from Sardinia, Italy

Three red fluorescent calcities from Sardinia, Italy.

- The first one is a very beautiful specimen in daylight too.

Quartz and galena crystals are among the red fluorescent calcite “pine cones”. Calcite fluoresces saturated orange-red under Sw.

Size: 11 x 8 x 5.5 cm / Weight: 480g

- The second specimen best fluoresces in Lw and resembles the Boccheggiano aragonite for its saturated red color under uv and the green shade in daylight. Under Sw uv light, calcite is red/pink and other small areas fluoresces blue and pale yellow.

Size: 9 x 5 x 4 cm / Weight: 168g

-The last one calcite has variable size dogtooth white cristals on a quartz matrix. The biggest one measure about 32mm. It fluoresces in Sw Uv.

Size: 8 x 8 x 5.5 cm / Weight: 238g.

First specimen. Macro gif animation from daylight to Sw-Uv. Size of the frame. about 30mm

First specimen. Photoshop composition of daylight, Sw and macro

Second specimen. Gif animation: daylight - Lw - Sw

Below: the last one calcite. Daylight and Sw.


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